(+36 1) 308 5506 | info@colorfitness.hu

Nyitvatartás / Hétfőtől-péntekig: 6:30 - 22:00 / Szombaton: 8:00 - 15:00 / Vasárnap: 13:00 - 20:00

(+36 1) 308 5506 | info@colorfitness.hu

Nyitvatartás / Hétfőtől-péntekig: 6:30 - 22:00 / Szombaton: 8:00 - 15:00 / Vasárnap: 13:00 - 20:00

Kondi- és aerobic bérletek

Aerobic + kondibérlet (30 nap)

Aerobic + kondibérlet (30 nap)

30 napos Aerobic + kondibérlet
Naponta egy csoportos óra + a konditerem, a kardiógépek, a Cross-terem és a szauna korlátlan használata.
A bérlet a helyszíni átvételétől számítva 30 napig érvényes.

28 000 Ft

6 visits gym-aerobic pass

6 visits gym-aerobic pass

Dont you have enought time to workout?

Choose the 6 times gym-aerobic passes.

And what does that mean?

Your 6-time aerobic-gym pass is valid for 6 weeks from the date of the receipt of the physical pass.

You can use our gym pass during the entire opening hours of the gym without any time limit and you can join 1 group class a day.

With the Annual Club membership card, you can buy your passes with a 10% discount.

15 000 Ft

HAPPY HOURS start PASS 30 days

HAPPY HOURS start PASS 30 days

This pass can only be purchased online for our newly registered guests.

Your 30 days pass is valid for 30 days from the date of the receipt of the physical pass.

You can use it: Weekends from 10:00-13:00 , during full opening hous on weekends and holidays.

Includes unlimited use of fitness machines, cardio machines, cross stand and sauna.

You can participate in a group class for an extra fee.

1-month paper-based access card is included with the start pass, at no additional cost.

5 000 Ft

Student Gym pass for 15 days

Student Gym pass for 15 days

Are you ready for a hard training?

If you're not determined yet, choose our 15-day student gym pass.

And what does it contain?

You can use this pass between 6:30-13:00 and 15:00-22:00

Your 15 days pass is valid for 15 days from the date of the receipt of the physical pass.

Unlimited use of fitness machines, cardio machines, cross stand and sauna.

You can participate in a group class for an extra fee.

With an Annual Club membership card, you can buy your passes with a 10% discount.

12 000 Ft

HAPPY HOURS PASS for 30 days

HAPPY HOURS PASS for 30 days

Our Happy Hours pass includes unlimited usege of fitness machines,
cardio machines, cross stand and sauna.

You can use it: Weekdays from 10:00 to 13:00 and 15:00-17:00
during full opening hours on weekends and holidays.

Your Happy Hours pass is valid for 30 days from the date of the receipt of the physical pass.

15 000 Ft

Annual Gym pass

Annual Gym pass

You can't be stopped? You already have a whole year's training plan and you are full of energy and determination?

Then we invented our annual premium pass for you.

And what is it good for?

You can use our yearly pass during the entire opening hours of the gym without any time limit.

Your 365 days pass is valid for 365 days from the date of the receipt of the physical pass.

Includes unlimited use of fitness machines, cardio machines, cross stand and sauna.

You can participate in a group class for an extra fee.

180 000 Ft

Annual happy hours Gym pass

Annual happy hours Gym pass

You can't be stopped? You already have a whole year's training plan and you are full of energy and determination?

Then we invented our annual HAPPY HOURS pass for you.

And what is it good for?

You can use our 365 days, annual pass during the week between 10:00-13:00 and 15:00-17:00, on weekends and holidays during theentire

Your 365 days Happy Hours pass is valid for 365 days from the date of the receipt of the physical pass.

Includes unlimited use of fitness machines, cardio machines, cross stand and sauna.

You can participate in a group class for an extra fee.

160 000 Ft

Annual Club Membership Card

Annual Club Membership Card

Want to get super discounts and surprises?

Then buy your Annual Club Membership Card!

And what discounts are waiting for you?

You'll automatically get a 10% discount on all your season ticket purchases.

You can cancel your existing season ticket at any time for up to 30 days, as many times as you like in a year.

Your Club Season Ticket purchase will not be lost due to a break.

You can rent a lockable, private locker with a 30% discount.

We'll also treat you to seasonal surprises.

8 000 Ft

Csoportos órák

Ha szereted a jó hangulatú, pörgős órákat, ha nem szeretsz egyedül edzeni, akkor itt a helyed!

Legyen szó zsírégető, alakformáló, vagy spinning óráról, nálunk biztosan megtalálod a Neked való óratípust.

Óráinkról és az oktatóinkról bővebben itt.


Color Fitness a belváros szívében: 1052 Váci utca 19-21.

Barátságos környezet, kondi- és kardiógépek, finn szauna, csoportos órák.

Kiemelt ajánlataink